Rules on Βoard
- Please do not wear shoes on board
- Please use the water sparıngly
- Please switch off the lıghts when not in use
- Please do not use your cabin towels on deck or on the shore
- Please do not smoke in the cabin
- Please do not throw anything overboard
- Please do not swim before the engine stops or under the influence of alcohol
- Only flush natural waste down the toilet, please put the toilet paper in the bin
- Thelife jackets in cabins are only for emergency use,
- Please show consideration to others by keeping the noise levels down at night
- Please do not bring any kind of drinks on board from outside you can buy drinks at the gulet bar, in any case the captain has the authority to collect them
- Please be careful of the wet floors on the ship
- Above all enjoy the beautiful scenery, clear blue waters and fantastic weather to make this your most memorable holiday